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Are you a registered medical waste transporter?Yes, we are licensed by the State of Texas and registered with all states where it is a requirement. Our license transport number is MSW-50126.
Do we have to pay for our boxes?No, boxes are provided at no charge. We will provide you with as many boxes you need.
Who are some of your clients?We provide service to doctors, clinics, funeral homes, dentist, surgical centers and other companies that generate medical waste.
What type of regulated medical waste is accepted?Blood, Blood Products, Body Fluids – Fluids must be contained in a sealed container to avoid seepage. Sharps – Needles and syringes, scalpel blades, glass pipettes, slides etc must be in a sharps container. Laboratory Waste – Cultures and stocks, test tubes. Trace-contaminated Chemotherapy Waste- Empty drug vials, syringes and needles, spill kits, IV tubing and bags, contaminated gloves and gowns. Chemo sharps should first be put in a sharps container prior to placing them in the medical waste box. Dialysis Tubing and Filters - Dialyders.
What type of waste is not allowed to be placed in boxes?Chemicals (bulk) – Formaldehyde, acids, alcohol, waste oil, solvents, reagents, fixer developer. Hazardous Waste – Drums or other containers with a hazard or toxic warning symbol, batteries, heavy metals etc. Radioactive Waste – Any container with a radioactivity level that exceeds regulatory or permitted limits; lead containing materials. Human remains – Cadavers, aborted fetus. Bulk Chemotherapy Waste. Compresses Gas Cylinders, canisters, inhalers, and aerosol cans. Glass Thermometers, or other devices or solutions containing mercury.
Where do you dispose of your waste?Waste recovered from your facility is autoclaved or incinerated and disposed of at a state approved facility in Texas.
How do we know how many boxes were picked up?We will provide you with a copy of a Regulated Medical Waste Disposal Manifest at the time of pick up which will show how many containers we recovered.
What day will you pick up my waste?Medical waste removal schedule: Daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly or call in service is available.
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